الجمعة، 31 مارس 2017

Historical development of health
          Origins of word “health” did not appear in writing until ~ AD 1000; derived from word health: being safe or sound and whole of body

Major concern of health professionals differed across time
          In the late 19th century: “how” of disease or pathogenesis (origin of a disease and chain of events leading to that disease)
          In the 20th century: finding cures for diseases
          Currently: increased emphasis on health promotion and wellness in individuals, families and communities
Definition of Health
Traditionally, health was defined in terms of presence or absence oF disease

WHO Definition of Health: “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-
being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity

Reflect on WHO definition of health:
          Reflects concern for individual as total person functioning physically, psychologically, and socially

          Suggests that mental processes determine people’s relationship with their physical and social surroundings, their attitudes about life, and their interaction with others

          Places health in context of environment

Other Definitions of Health
          Health has also been defined in terms of role and performance; thus a healthy person can perform the requirements of his roles

Personal Definitions of Health
          Many factors affect individual definitions of health:
          Previous experiences , Age, Expectations of self, Socio-cultural influences, A person’s definition of health influences

Wellness: Wellness is a state of well-being
          Basic aspects of well-being include self-responsibility with daily decision-making in nutrition, stress management, physical fitness, preventive health care, and emotional health

•        Environmental: ability to promote health measures that improve standard of living and quality of life in the community
•        Social: ability to interact successfully with people, to develop and maintain intimacy with significant others, and to develop respect and tolerance for others with different opinions and beliefs
•        Emotional: ability to manage stress
and to express emotions appropriately
•        Physical: ability to carry out daily tasks; achieve fitness; maintain adequate nutrition and proper body fat; avoid unhealthy addictions; and generally practice positive lifestyle habits
•        Spiritual: belief in some force that serves to unite human beings and provide meaning and purpose to
life; includes own morals, values, and ethics
•        Intellectual : ability to learn and use information effectively; striving for continued growth and learning to deal with new challenges
•        Occupational: ability to achieve balance between work and leisure time
          The 7 components of wellness overlap to some extent, and the factors in one component often directly affect factors in another

          Well being : is a subjective perception of vitality and feeling well… can be described objectively, experienced, and measured… and can be plotted on a continuum

Variables influencing health status, beliefs and practices These variables may or may not be under conscious control

Internal Variables
Internal/non-modifiable variables include the following dimensions:
•        Biologic (age, gender, genetic makeup, developmental level),
•        Psychological/emotional (mind-body interactions and self-concept/esteem), and
•        Cognitive/intellectual (lifestyle choices and spiritual and religious beliefs)

For the most part, these variables cannot be changed; however, when these variables are linked to health problems (ethnic background and hypertension; health

emphasis with the client to influence external variables
External variables affecting health include:
1.       Physical environment (non-polluted resources and safe habitat and occupation)
2.       Standards of living (occupation, income, education)
3.       Family and cultural beliefs, and (pass from parents to children, type of remedies)
4.       Social support networks (family, friends, community, colleagues, facilities) – to confirm illness and to recover

Illness: is highly personal state in which the person’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social, developmental, or spiritual functioning is thought to be diminished
Not synonymous with disease , May or may not be related to disease

          Highly subjective; an individual could have a disease and not feel ill; similarly, a person can feel ill and yet have no disease

Disease is an alteration in body functions resulting in a
reduction of capacities or a shortening of normal life span
          Multiple factors are considered to interact in causing disease and determining an individual’s response to treatment
          Etiology of disease includes the identification of all causal factors that act together to bring about the particular disease

Classification of Illness & Disease: Most common way a acute or chronic

Acute Illness: Characterized by symptoms of relatively short duration ,, often appear sharply and subside quickly, and depending on the cause may or may not need interventions by health care workers

Acute Illness: Some acute illnesses are serious  others are not   Following acute illness, most people return to their normal level of wellness

Chronic Illness
Lasts for extended period of time, 6 months or longer, and often for life
Have slow onset and often have periods of remission (when symptoms disappear) and exacerbation (when symptoms reappear)

Chronic Illness

Clients often need to modify their activities of daily living, social relationships, and perception of self and body image, learn how to live with increasing physical limitations and discomfort
Learning Outcomes
After completing this session, the student will be able to:
1.     Identify influences on person’s definitions of health, wellness and well-being
2.     Describe the components of wellness
3.     Identify variables affecting health status, beliefs, and practices
4.     Differentiate illness from disease and acute illness from chronic illness
An individual's health beliefs influence his health practices
Q: what is meant by this statement?
•       For many years, the concept of disease was the measure by which health was measured
•       For example, when you examine the World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, most of the data relate to disease-specific prevalence rates (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, HIV, etc.), mortality rates (neonatal, maternal, etc.), life expectancy at birth, etc.

Q. What is the disadvantage of that?
Historical development of health
•       Origins of word “health” did not appear in writing until ~ AD 1000; derived from word health: being safe or sound and whole of body.
Change of health concern
Major concern of health professionals differed across time
•       In the late 19th century: “how” of disease or pathogenesis (origin of a disease and chain of events leading to that disease)
•       In the 20th century: finding cures for diseases
•       Currently: increased emphasis on health promotion and wellness in individuals, families and communities

Definition of Health
Traditionally, health was defined in
terms of presence or absence of

WHO Definition of Health
•       World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as,
a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-
being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity
This definition has not been amended since 1948
Q. Reflect on WHO definition of health
WHO Definition of Health
•       Reflects concern for individual as total person functioning physically, psychologically, and socially
•       Suggests that mental processes determine people’s relationship with their physical and social surroundings, their attitudes about life, and their interaction with others
•       Places health in context of environment
Thus, people’s lives and their health are affected by everything they interact with-not only environmental influences such as climate and availability of food, shelter, clean air and water, but also other people, including family, loved ones, employers, and friends

Other Definitions of Health
•       Health has also been defined in terms of role and performance; thus a healthy person can perform the requirements of his roles
Q. Name some of the roles that you have in
your life.
Personal Definitions of Health
Remember, health is a highly individual perception
Q. What is YOUR definition of health?
Personal Definitions of Health
•       Many factors affect individual definitions of health:
•       Previous experiences
•       Age
•       Expectations of self
•       Socio-cultural influences
•       A person’s definition of health influences
behavior related to health and illness
•       Wellness is a state of well-being
•       Basic aspects of well-being include self-responsibility with daily decision-making in nutrition, stress management, physical fitness, preventive health care, and emotional health
7 Components of Wellness
Environmental: ability to promote health measures that improve standard of living and quality of life in the community
7 Components of Wellness
•       Social: ability to interact successfully with people, to develop and maintain intimacy with significant others, and to develop respect and tolerance for others with different opinions and beliefs
•       Emotional: ability to manage stress
and to express emotions appropriately
7 Components of Wellness
•       Physical: ability to carry out daily tasks; achieve fitness; maintain adequate nutrition and proper body fat; avoid unhealthy addictions; and generally practice positive lifestyle habits
•       Spiritual: belief in some force that serves to unite human beings and provide meaning and purpose to
life; includes own morals, values, and ethics
7 Components of Wellness
•       Intellectual : ability to learn and use information effectively; striving for continued growth and learning to deal with new challenges
•       Occupational: ability to achieve balance between work and leisure time
7 Components of Wellness
•       The 7 components of wellness overlap to some extent, and the factors in one component often directly affect factors in another

•       For example, a person with good social life will also have a positive impact on his thoughts and occupation

•       Well being is a subjective perception of vitality and feeling well… can be described objectively, experienced, and measured… and can be plotted on a continuum
Variables influencing health status, beliefs and practices
•       Many variables influence person’s health status, beliefs, or practices
•       These variables may or may not be under conscious control
•       Some variables are internal/non modifiable (age, gender, ethnic background, family history, etc.); others are external/modifiable (smoking, diet, exercise, etc.)
Internal Variables
Internal/non-modifiable variables include the following dimensions:
•       Biologic (age, gender, genetic makeup, developmental level),
•       Psychological/emotional (mind-body interactions and self-concept/esteem), and
•       Cognitive/intellectual (lifestyle choices and spiritual and religious beliefs)
Internal Variables
For the most part, these variables cannot be changed; however, when these variables are linked to health problems (ethnic background and hypertension; health
history and cancer); healthcare worker must place more
emphasis with the client to influence external variables
(such as exercise, diet, early screening)
External Variables
External variables affecting health include:
1.     Physical environment (non-polluted resources and safe habitat and occupation)
2.     Standards of living (occupation, income, education)
3.     Family and cultural beliefs, and (pass from parents to children, type of remedies)
4.     Social support networks (family, friends, community, colleagues, facilities) – to confirm illness and to recover
Illness & Disease
Illness is highly personal state in which the person’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social, developmental, or spiritual functioning is thought to be diminished
•       Not synonymous with disease
•       May or may not be related to disease
•       Highly subjective; an individual could have a disease and not feel ill; similarly, a person can feel ill and yet have no disease
Illness and Disease
Disease is an alteration in body functions resulting in a
reduction of capacities or a shortening of normal life span
•       Multiple factors are considered to interact in causing disease and determining an individual’s response to treatment
•       Etiology of disease includes the identification of all causal factors that act together to bring about the particular disease
Illness and Disease
•       Example etiologic factors in hypertension: age, atherosclerosis, diet, stress, smoking, race, family history, body weight, physical activity
•       Many diseases have unknown causes: nodding disease, Morgellons Disease

Classification of Illness & Disease
Most common way of classifying illness and disease is as acute or
Acute Illness
Characterized by symptoms of relatively short duration
•       Symptoms often appear sharply and subside quickly, and depending on the cause may or may not need interventions by health care workers
Acute Illness
•       Some acute illnesses are serious (appendicitis, may require surgery) others are not (cold requiring no intervention)
•       Following acute illness, most people return to their normal level of wellness
Chronic Illness
•       Lasts for extended period of time, 6 months or longer, and often for life
•       Have slow onset and often have periods of remission (when symptoms disappear) and exacerbation (when symptoms reappear)
•       Examples: arthritis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart disease
Chronic Illness
•       Clients often need to modify their activities of daily living, social relationships, and perception of self and body image
•       Clients must learn how to live with increasing physical limitations and discomfort
•       Health concerns changed through history
•       Definitions of health, wellbeing, wellness, illness and disease
•       Multiple variables affecting health status
•       Multifactorial etiology of illness
Berman, A., & Snyder, S.J., & Frandsen, G.  (2016).
Kozier and Erb’s fundamentals of nursing. Concepts, process, and practice (10th ed.). Pearson.

نصائح العرض

العرض الجيد يجب ان يحتوي علي بعض الاشياء للتفكير حول  علي بعض الاشياء للتفكير حول (المقدم – الموارد- الهيكل )

التجهيز : يجب التجهيز جيدا لمفتاح الرساله , والجمهور , الزمن , موارد , الاغلاق .الهيكل  .

بناء العرض التقديمي
• يتكون العرض التقديمي من ( مقدمة , معلومات , خلاصة او خاتمه )
يجب عليك إعداد كل ما تحتاجه مقدما وان  تتحقق في اليوم ذاته ان  كل شيء يعمل لإصلاح الأشياء التي لا تعمل

التمرن : يجب التمرن   أمام الناس   في مكان العرض  مسبقا   و التمرن علي العرض  و علي استخدام الاشياء التي ستخدمها  لان التمرن يساعدك علي الاسترخاء وان تكون مسموع للجمهور وان تكون علي تواصل بصري بالجمهور واذا كنت بحاجه لاستخدام ملاحظات استخدمها .

تقديم العرض يعتمد علي : الموقف ولهجة الصوت وعدم التسرع

طرق العرض المستخدمه :

باور بوينت

النقاط الجيده : متنقل , احترافي , يمكن اضافة رسوم اليه , واضح
النقاط السيئه : يعتمد علي التكنولجيا , يجعلك غير متصل بالجمهور .

الرسوم البيانيه ولوحات الكتابه :
النقاط الجيده : تكنولجيا اقل و من السهل الاضافه اليه , يزيد من الاتصال مع الجمهور
النقاط السيئه : يمكن استخدامه مره واحده , لا يمكن اضافة رسوم اليه , يمكن ان يكون صعب القراءه

بناء العرض : يتكون العض من :
الموجز  , المقدمه , الهيكل , الاستنتاج , المراجع

العرض الفعال  بأستخدام باور بوينت :
شريحة العنوان يجب ان تحتوي علي عنوان العرض و اسم المقدم  و انتماء مقدم العرض
الموجز يجب ادراج محتوي العرض به
هيكل الشريحه:
يكون سيئ اذا كان يحتوي عدد كبير من الكلمات بالشريحه الواحده , ان تكون الكلمات  ليست مكتوبه بشكل نقاط مما يجعلها صعبة القراءه علي الجماهير ويستغرقو وقت كبير في القراءه بدل الاستماع اليك .
يكون جيد في حالة ان تكون متضمنه 6 نقاط في كل شريحه و عدد الكلمات في كل نقطه 6 كلمات وان تكون  الكلمات مكتوبه في شكل جمل قصيره  .

الخط المستخدم : يجب ان تستخدم احجام مختلفه من الخط للنقاط الرئيسيه والنقاط الفرعيه
يفضل خط 36 نقطه بخط قياسي مثل اريال

الالوان :
تكون سيئه : عندما تكون صعبة القراءه ولا تتوافق مع لون الخلفيه ولا يجب استخدام الوان مزعجه و غير متوافقه وليس من الضروري استخدام كثير من الالوان  ويجب تجنب الاخضر مع الاحمر لانه يؤذي يكون صعب القرأه ويؤذي العين .

الخلفيه :
جيده : يجب استخدام الخلفيات الجزابه لكن بسيطه و ان تستخدم نفس اللون طوال العرض التقديمي .
سيئه : الخلفيات التي تسبب التشتت  او تكون صعبة الرؤيه و القرائه

الرسوم البيانيه :
السيئه : خطوط الشبكه  الصغري غير الضروريه بألوان غير متوافقه و ان تكون بدون عنوان وبخط صغير صعب القرائه.
الجيده : استخدام رسوم سهلة للفهم وبعنوان واضح وبيانتها بسيطه .

المظهر :
يجب تحديد عدد العناصر في كل شريحه ويجب ان تحتوي  الشريحه نقطه واحده او اثنين فقط .

يجب ان تتذكر التحدث للجمهور في فترات التركيز و لفت الانتباه

التهجئه والقواعد اللغويه : يجب مراجعة الشرائح  والتأكد من الاخطاء اللغويه  و استخدام الكلمات المتكرره و الاخطاء النحويه .

الخاتمه : يجب استخدام خاتمة مؤثره يتذكرها جمهورك , ويجب استخدام شريحة استنتاج لتلخيص النقاط الرئيسيه للعرض التقديمي واقتراح الطرق المستقبليه للبحث .

المراجع : قم بالانهاء من خلال ادراج المراجع المستخدمه ولا تنسي الاستشهاد بالموارد الخاصه بك في الهيكل .

يجب ان تنهي العرض التقديمي بشريحة سؤال بسيطه  و دعوة الجماهير للسؤال ويجب تجنب انهاء العرض التقديمي فجأه .

التعامل مع الاسئله : يجب ان تتيح وقت معين للاسئله  و تحديد وقت للاجابه عليها  وان لا تخاف من التوقف و عدم  معرفة الاجابه  وفي حالة عدم معرفة الاجابه اطلب اعدة السؤال او اعادة صياغته  حتي تفهمه .

توزيع نظام الرعايه الصحيه في ((uae

نظام توزيع الرعايه الصحيه : هو شبكة كامله من الوكالات الصحيه  والمرافق الصحيه ومقدمين الخدمات الصحيه في منطقه معينه .
قطاع الرعايه الصحيه في الامارات العربيه المتحدة :
1.    وزارة الصحه :

منطقة دبي الطبيه 
,, البراحه ,, مراكز الرعايه الاوليه ,, الخدمات الوقائيه , خدمات الصحه المدرسيه , مستشفيات (عبيد الله , سيف بن عباش , عمران )
منطقة الشارقه الطبيه
مستشفيات ( القاسمي , الكويت , الذييذ , كلباء ) مراكز الرعايه الطبيه الاوليه
منطقة ام القيويين  الطبيه
مستشفي الكويت , مراكز الرعايه الاوليه , مراكز طب الاسنان , خدمات الصحه المدرسيه
منطقة الفجيره الطبيه
مستشفيات (الفجيره – ديبا ) , خدمات الطب الوقائي  , خدمات الصحه المدرسيه ,

2.    هيئة صحة ابوظبي :  شركات seha  لتقديم الخدمات الطبيه , خدمات الرعايه الصحيه الاوليه , الصحه المدرسيه .

3.    هيئة صحة دبي : مستشفيات ( راشد – دبي – لطيفه – الجليله ) , مراكز الرعايه الصحيه الاوليه , مراكز الصحه المدرسيه .

4.    الخدمات الصحيه الداخليه : ( دبي / شرطة دبي ) , خدمات رأس الخيمه الطبيه
و خدمات الشارقه الطبيه .

5.    الخدمات الصحيه العسكريه : مستشفي زايد العسكري بأبو ظبي , الفالح بالشارقه .

6.    دبي للرعايه الصحيه :
معظم المستشفيات الخاصه الموجده بدبي والعيادات الخارجيه , مستشفيات ( الامريكيه – الكنديه – الغرهور – رئيس الوزراء )

7.    هيئة الصحه بالشارقه

8.    القطاع الخاص بكل الامارات

9.    الشئون الرئاسيه

نظام تقديم الرعايه الصحيه
في عام 2010 قدر عدد السكان 9206000 وكاان هناك 104 مستشفي في جميع انحاء السبع امارات بمعدل 19.3 طبيب و 40.9 ممرضه لكل 10000 شخص في الامارات .

بالتوزيع الاتي :
المستشفيات المعتمده من (j c i )
معدل السرائر
عدد الاشخاص

ابو ظبي
2.7 لكل
2.5  مليون
1لكل 532
2.1 مليون
1 لكل 670
1.5 مليون
رأس الخيمة
1 لكل 533
300 الف

1 لكل 558
200 الف
1 لكل 269
240 الف
ام القيويين
1 لكل 606
100 الف