الخميس، 30 مارس 2017

Health Services Administration

Duration of Study


Medical Laboratory Sciences

Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics

Environmental Health
Medical Diagnostic Imaging

Health Services Administration

Overview of UoS Rules & Regulations

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Advising Process

           Each student is assigned an academic advisor from day one of attendance at UoS

           The academic advisor is a faculty member in the student’s academic department

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Role of academic advisor

           Assist student to prepare course schedule during registration

           Support and guide student during university studies

            Monitor student’s academic progress

            Offer counseling on any academic difficulties or problems student may experience

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Academic advisor

            If you still do not know your academic advisor, check with the chair of

your academic department

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Location of CHS departments


Medical Laboratory Sciences

Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics

Environmental Health
Medical Diagnostic Imaging

Health Services Administration

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Duration of Study

To earn a bachelor degree, enrolled student required to study a minimum period at UoS

In CHS, minimum period of study is 8 regular semesters (regular semester refers to a fall or spring semester)

No student may spend more than 15 semesters in CHS to obtain bachelor's degree

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Minimum semester load shall be 12 credits unless student needs less than that to graduate

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Maximum load in regular semester shall be 18 credits, which may be increased to 19 upon Dean’s approval

Student may be allowed to take a maximum of 21 credit hours if he:

has CGPA of no less than 3.30; or needs 21 credits to graduate
Maximum load in summer session shall not exceed 7 credits. A 10-credit load may be allowed if student:

has a CGPA of no less that 3.30; or He needs 10 credits to graduate

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IEP (Intensive English Program) students

Students in IEP level 3 or 4 may take either an Arabic Language or Islamic Culture course in addition to the IEP required courses

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Health Services Administration Study Plan

Students registered in undergraduate HSA program should complete 134 CH distributed as follows:

Study Plan

Credit Hours









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       Students must repeat all failed courses when first offered

        Student may repeat failed elective course or take a substitute if elective course is no longer offered or is not expected to be offered within following two semesters. Substitute course shall be considered as a repeat of failed course in calculating semester and cumulative GPA

       Student may also repeat a course in which he passed with grade C+ or lower only once to improve CGPA

        While all repeats shall remain on student’s record, credits of a repeated course shall count only once and highest grade is used in computing GPA

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Substituting Courses

        Student may be allowed upon approval of College Dean to take a substitute for a required major course in following cases:

Required course not offered or in conflict with another required course in the semester a student is expected to graduate

Student has failed the course 3 times

        The substitute and required course shall meet the following equivalency criteria:
Number of credits and level of the substitute course must be the same or higher

The course is from the same or closely related field; and 75% of the course contents must match

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             Students are required to attend all class meetings and course-related activities

             The course instructor shall issue first warning if number of student absences exceeds 10%

             The course instructor shall issue final warning upon approval of the Dean if the student misses more than 15% of the total semester sessions

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             If the absences reach 20%, the student shall be barred from taking the final exam

             All absences, excused or otherwise, shall be counted and the student is accountable for the missed work

             All decisions shall be reported to Registration Department for action

             Course instructor must state the attendance policy in the course syllabus

             A student may not be withdrawn from a course(s) if the semester load would fall below 9 credits unless approved by SAC (Student Affairs Committee)

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           Student has the right to have his academic performance assessed and to receive continuous feedback in accordance with University guidelines

           Course instructor must complete a midterm performance assessment and report results before withdrawal deadline to give students, that are not performing well, a chance to withdraw from the course

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20 April
Last day for dropping courses

without Grade “F”

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Absence from Final Exam

           If a student fails to attend a final exam without a valid excuse, the student shall receive an XFgrade for the course
           If missing the exam is due to difficult circumstances beyond student’s control, student may submit a petition to Dean of concerned college and if Dean concludes that stated reasons are justifiable, Dean will inform Registration Department to record an incomplete “I” grade for the course

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Absence from the Final Exam (cont.)

           The student, in coordination with concerned department and course instructor, must take a make-up exam to replace “I” before start of following semester. If student fails to take make-up exam, grade “F” will be automatically assigned to that course

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          If student feels that grade he obtained on final exam was unfair, he may submit an “Exam Review Petition Form” to concerned Dean through Registration Department within two weeks after grade is posted

          Dean shall form a committee consisting of Department Chair, course instructor and one other faculty member from same department, to investigate student request and adjust grade in accordance with standard procedures

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Grading System

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Grading System

           Letter grades are used to represent student performance in a course

           Letter grades are calculated according to the scheme on next page

           Minimum passing letter grade is D

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Grading System

Letter Grade
Grade Value

≥ 90

≥ 85 and < 90

≥ 80 and < 85

≥ 75 and < 80

≥ 70 and < 75

≥ 65 and < 70

≥ 60 and < 65

< 60

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How to calculate semester and cumulative GPA?

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Semester Grade Point Average

The semester GPA is computed as follows:

          Determine course quality points by multiplying number of course credit hours by value of letter grade

         Add the total quality points and the total number of corresponding credit hours

          Divide the total quality points by the total number of
credit hours

For Example:

(3 X 2.5) + (3 x 3.5)+ (4 x 2.0) + (3 x 3.5) + (3 x 3.0) = 2.84 3 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 3

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Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

            Determine quality points of all courses taken

            Add the total quality points and the total number of corresponding credit hours

           Divide the total quality points by the total
number credit hours For Example:
(2.5 X 2) + (3.5 X 2) + (2.0 X 4) + (3.5 X 3) + (3.0 X 3) (3.5 X 3) + (2.0 X 4) + (3.5 X 3) + ............

3 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 2 +………

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Honor’s List

           UoS recognizes distinguished students each semester by entering their names on 3 honor lists: Chancellor’s list, Dean’s list, and the Dean of Students’ Affairs list

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               The names on the Chancellor’s list shall be inscribed on a plaque in Chancellor’s Office.

        List includes name of one full-time student from each college. Each student should:

1.        have registered and successfully completed at least 15 credit hours

2.       Attained a GPA of 3.8 or higher

3.       Received no grade below a C+

4.       Not have received any disciplinary action

In case two competing candidates have equal qualifications, the honor goes to the student who has more extracurricular activities

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            The names on the Dean’s list shall be inscribed on a plaque in the College

           List includes the name of each student in the college who has registered and successfully completed at least 15 credit hours, received no incomplete or failed grades, attained a GPA of 3.6 or higher, and did not receive any disciplinary action

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Dean of Students’ Affairs Honor List

         The names on this list shall be recorded on a plaque in the Dean’s Office

         This list includes names of 10 students who:

1.        have registered and successfully completed at least 15 credit hours

2.        Attained a GPA of 2.75 or higher

3.        Have not received any disciplinary action

4.         Represented the university or UAE in sporting, cultural, or social activity at national or international level, and received a praise for their participation

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Graduating Students

            A student graduating with CGPA of 3.6-3.79 shall be awarded the designation of “Honors”

            A student graduating with CGPA of 3.8 and above shall be awarded the designation of “Highest Honors”

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Schedule change

           Students may change their schedule after registration by adding and/or dropping courses during the official drop and add period noted in the academic calendar

           Schedule changes need approval of academic advisor and department chair

           Scholarship students must obtain the approval of the granting agency

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Dropping courses during drop & add period

           If a student drops a course during first week of fall/spring semesters or second day of summer session, dropped course will be deleted from student’s schedule and the student will be relieved from financial liability associated with the deleted course

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Withdrawal after drop & add period

          A student may, upon approval of academic advisor, may withdraw from one or more courses between 2nd -10th week of classes of a regular semester or during 3rd -4th weeks of summer session, provided that student’s load (excluding summer) does not fall below 9 credits

          A grade of “W” shall be recorded in student’s transcript

          College Dean’s approval required if withdrawal results in load less than 12 credits

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Adding courses during drop & add period

           A student may add one or more courses to his schedule during first week of fall/spring semesters or second day of summer session; student must settle the financial obligations of the added course(s)

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Change of Major

           A student who has completed one semester of course work in a major may request a Change of Major any time before the 13th week of a regular semester

            The Dean of the new college, in consultation with the department chairperson of aspired program, decides on the student’s request before the start of the following semester according to following conditions:

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Change of Major (cont.)

1.         Student request for change of major meets college rules and requirements

2.         Seat in desired major is available

3.         Student has not changed major before

4.         Number of earned credits in prior major is less than 64 credits

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Academic Probation

Student receives an academic probation if

CGPA falls below 2.00 at the end of the second or any subsequent semester

A student receives a second probation if he fails to remove the first probation by the end of the following semester

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Academic Probation

Students with 2 consecutive probations may choose one of the following options:
Continue in same major with approval of College
Dean and risk academic dismissal if the probation is not removed by the end of the following semester; receives 3 consecutive probations

Change their major: if accepted, the transferred courses and CGPA will be determined according to the requirements of the new major. If the CGPA of the transferred courses is 2.00 or higher, the probation status is removed

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           A student whose CGPA falls below 1.0 at the end of any semester must transfer to another program and shall not be allowed to return to the old program in the future

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A student shall be dismissed from the university if he attains:

3 consecutive probations or 4 probations throughout the entire period of study

CGPA ˂ 1.00 more than once during study at the university

A student after having completed more than 90 credits with CGPA of 1.95 or higher and receives academic dismissal due to attaining a fourth probation, shall be allowed to study one more semester to clear probation

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Sample transcript

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           Be an informed student

           Ignorance of the UoS Rules & Regulations is No Excuse

           Have a real partnership with your academic advisor


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