الأربعاء، 29 مارس 2017

Difference Between Signs and Symptoms

Signs vs Symptoms                       

Though signs and symptoms describe the same conditions, these two are different in many characteristics. While signs are what a doctor sees, symptoms are what a patient experiences. A symptom can be defined as one of the characters of a disease. Meanwhile, sign is the definite indication of a specific disease.
While signs are the physical manifestation of injury, illness or disease, symptoms can be described as what a patient experiences about the injury, illness or disease. When the patient notices symptoms, it is the others, especially the physician or doctor who notices signs. A high temperature, a rapid pulse, low blood pressure, open wound and bruising can be called as signs. Chills, shivering, fever, nausea, shaking and vertigo are the symptoms.
While signs are objective, symptoms on the other hand are subjective. Signs are called objective in the sense that they can be felt, heard or seen. Bleeding, bruising, swelling and fever are signs. Symptoms are subjective in the sense that they are not outwardly visible to others. It is only the patient who perceives and experiences the symptoms.
It is only when the patient experiences certain symptoms that he or she approaches a physician. Symptoms help the physician diagnose the problem. As symptoms are not visible outwards, it is most important that the patient be as descriptive so that the doctor or the physician may be able to assess and evaluate the symptoms.
Symptoms can also be defined as what the patient reports, but which cannot be verified. Feeling tired, feeling dizzy and having pain are some of the symptoms, which cannot be verified. But signs on the other hand can be verified. Signs can be measured in a clinical setting. High or low blood pressure, rapid heart rate or fever, can be measured.
Symptoms are vague but signs are visible. Sign is only an objective indication of some medical fact that may be detected by a physician. These signs may not have any meaning to patients but they are significant for a physician to diagnosis the medical conditions.
One can describe symptom as one that is experienced and reported by a patient. Meanwhile the doctor discovers signs of a disease during a patient’s examination.
1. Signs are what a doctor sees, symptoms are what a patient experiences.
2. While signs are the physical manifestation of injury, illness or disease, symptoms can be described as what a patient experience about the injury, illness or disease.
3. Signs are objective. Symptoms on the other hand are subjective

Hepatitis, inflammation of the liver, can present many health challenges, and obtaining a diagnosis and starting treatment, when indicated, is of critical importance. The disease is most often caused by one of a number of viruses, such as hepatitis A, B and C. However, it can also be caused by other conditions, such as chronic alcohol abuse.
Acute hepatitis can sometimes heal on its own without causing any damage to the body or health, but it can also become a chronic disease that progresses and result in damage to the liver through the process of fibrosis and inflammation, and eventually lead to cirrhosis, cancer, and even death.

Signs and Symptoms

Showing signs and symptoms are the way the body communicates a problem. We all know the symptoms of common problems, such as sunburned skin and overworked muscles, but what about symptoms of an ailing liver? How does the liver communicate that something is wrong? As the liver becomes compromised by the viruses that cause hepatitis, symptoms may begin to emerge. However, some people with hepatitis experience no symptoms, especially in the early stages of the disease.
Recognizing the symptoms of hepatitis can pose quite a challenge for the average person. It's very difficult to determine whether you have the disease based on symptoms alone since many other conditions can cause similar symptoms. In addition, hepatitis symptoms can vary depending on the type of hepatitis a person has.Consulting a physician is always the first step in finding a diagnosis for any medical concern.


A well-known sign of hepatitis is jaundice, which is an accumulation of a substance called "bilirubin" in the body's tissues. Bilirubin gives a yellowish pigment to bile, a fluid produced by the liver. The liver usually processes bilirubin as a waste product, but when the liver is damaged, it's unable to do its normal job.
Bilirubin then begins to accumulate in the blood and leak into nearby tissue. When enough of this substance accumulates, it's possible to see a yellow tint in the skin, especially around the whites of the eyes. Though this is a very obvious sign, there are other more common signs and symptoms of hepatitis in the liver.

Additional Symptoms

In addition to jaundice, patients with hepatitis may experience other symptoms that can be vaguer. These include:
·         Loss of appetite
·         Fatigue
·         Low-grade fever
·         Muscle or joint aches
·         Nausea and vomiting
·         Belly pain 

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